Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm a birdbrain, no?

Today, I was on the phone when Puan Siva walked by and said:

"Look at this. Like sarang burung!"

...and she ruffled my hair.


So if my hair is the sarang burung, and you invert my face...I look like a bird ah?


Well, my hair was covering half my face - I stopped wearing clips ages ago because it made clip-marks in my hair - and sticking out at weird angles at the back.

A few people have told me my hair sticks out at the back.
Even near-strangers comment on this.

But I never knew!

I don't have eyes in the back of my head, do I?
And even if I do, I'd need them on STALKS to see the back of my head.

You think I purposely ruffle my hair one up ah?
Like...I want to look like Harry Potter is it?



Anyway, after Pn Siva's comment, Miss Choo asked:

"So, your sister back already ah?"


Den is Miss Choo's pet!
4 years after leaving school and she's still asking after you.


Today I went to Isetan's member's sale.



A skirt.

School pinafore's don't count ok?
It looks so frumpy and it's so long that I can sit like an ah pek without showing off my undies.
(Uniform la, not my new skirt, dungu.)

If you want to see me in my full skirt-ed glory...
You are invited to catch POTC3 with me on my birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

(I'm actually wearing it right now, despite haven't being washed yet.
Mom made me try it on and it makes going to the toilet convenient.)

That's 5th June if you have forgotten. (How sad. -.-)

But actually got more than 6 people to go liao la.
Lazy to book tickets. >.>

Maybe pictures will suffice, no?

...I even bought earrings to match!

Man, I'm turning into a sissy girl!
(Punny. Not.)

Mom bought me a red shirt from S'pore too, so that'll go with my new red earrings!

Shirt, check.
Skirt, check.
Accessories, check.
Shoes, um...sneakers should be ok.
(Like I should know whether skirts look stupid with sneakers or not.)

So all that's left is to get a set of fire-truck engine red undies (like my shirt and earrings) and I'm good to go.


Anyway, SOME people are SO thick-skinned they have already invited themselves to my birthday party when I didn't even SAY I was having one.


So, I'm having a birthday party!
You are all invited. =)

Haven't decided on the date yet, but will tell you all whenever I feel like it. ^^


Today Ms Anusya whacked me on the shoulder 15 minutes into Sejarah Paper 1.

I can almost imagine her going OW OW OW CRAP!

But she's a teacher, cannot curse ah!
And exam time also, so must shhh...

If you don't get what I mean, come whack me on the shoulder to find out.
(Trust me, it'll hurt you more than it'll hurt me.)

Anyway, I'm talking all this nonsense because I slept at 2 am, woke up at 6.25, and it is already almost 1 am.

Only adrenaline is keeping me from falling into a dead faint over the keyboard.
This I know because I already have TRIPLE- eyebags.

6.25am - 1.00am = 5.25 hrs
5.25hrs x 5 = 26.25 hrs (I think, my mental arithmetic sucks at this point.)

26.25 hours of sleep over FIVE days.



I want a boyfriend like Haru.



Time to sleep.

Song of the Day:

"Never Again - Kelly Clarkson"

It's stuck in my head and I have no idea what the lyrics are.


Anonymous said...

See I told you she knows you! Faster go ask her for Add Maths help la =)

YL said...

holy shit...

a skirt?


lollolollolo...cant wait to see...