Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Some slang term I picked up from AhBengs while gaming.

A few days ago, my cousin came and told me that I must spell 'nabeh' as 'nabehz' cause that's how the Singaporean Chaoahbengs say it.

My mom was shocked and asked:

"What is THAT?"

Actually, I have no idea. And most people don't either. They just swear. @___@ So today I looked 'nabeh' up, and it turns out that it's not only a hokkien slang used for cursing (it doesn't have an exact meaning, just substitute nabeh for shit, fuck, damn etc.)

Nabeh is also a baby's name, originating from Arab.
It means noble and outstanding.

So now I can curse without actually cursing!

So when I exclaim "Nabeh that CT! He ff me!" I'm actually saying what a noble and outstanding counter-terrorist he is for shooting his own teammates.


And people can't say I'm damn foul-mouthed edi lor. Cause when I'm swearing I'm not actually saying a swear word (even though it's used as one it's doesn't really have any meaning.)

It's like those prim and proper missies who scream what the FISH! when they get angry instead of what the fuck, lest they taint their clean red lips.

You know they're supposed to be swearing, only they claim they aren't cause fish isn't a swear word.

Anyway 'what the fuck' has no real meaning either. Fuck means penetration during intercourse, so basically you're asking what the penetration during intercourse?


Okay. I know when you're angry you curse. You don't have to make sense cause you're lost in the rage of the moment. That's okay.

I know you mean to be badass and foul. Nevermind that none of your swearing makes sense. ~__~

But I'd find it funny if someone swears like in the old Egyptian days where they go "may your testicles be trampled upon by camels and your entrails feasted upon by maggots!"

Which sounds so more interesting than people like me nowadays who go NABEH!

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