Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another pointless post

Photoshop still amazes me. I used to go "WOW!" at some magazine pictures, wondering how much time they spent trying to make the picture look the way it does.

But ceh, I realised you can do it with just a click of the mouse. -_-'' Kinda takes the magic out of everything.

I cleaned up a couple of previously dark and blurred photos. I still don't have ALL the concert pics. I tried getting them last night over the internet. Bel said she'll send half of them first, since the files are HUGE. To my horror, 'half of them' are almost 36000 KB! =O

So I waited for 3 darned hours. I was getting excited as there was only 8000 KB left, around 15 minutes left to wait. Then you wouldn't believe what happened next: Bel's internet disconnected!!


I felt like screaming. I waited 3 long hours and was only 15 mintues away from my precious pics, and the thing disconnected! *cry* Oh well, Bel sent me 21 pics today.

That's DJ Cheapshot, talking with the fans. =D I heard Mike call him 'Cheapie' once. It makes me think of a chick. "Cheep cheep!"

o_O It looks like he was actually saying that. *points at mouth* Cheepcheep!

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