Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kena tagged again #2983477861

Thanks Sui. -______________________- Wahaha.


1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!



1. It pains me to sit in a ladylike fashion. Guys are so lucky.

2. I have contemplated reading the whole dictionary before to have the most powerful english vocabulary in the world. But NAAAAH. rolleyes

3. I don't like burping out loud but I don't mind others doing so.

4. I once thought about naming my dog Lazarus if its a boy cause it sounds cool. twisted

5. I find guys who can cook attractive. (Only if the food is edible.)

6. I prefer girls who aren't particular with their looks.

7. I love balloons! Especially the ones filled with helium. mrgreen

8. I have a habit of trimming my nails every week - just under 1 mm so that it looks like they are never growing.

9. I desperately wanted wavy hair when I was young - I got my maid to plait my whole head of hair and kept it like that for a week. The waves lasted roughly one day. neutral

10. One of my biggest near-future goals is to put on some weight.

11. I really want to get into the fashion industry; set director, model, designer, fashion editor - I don't really care.

12. I name each and every one of my soft toys. But nowadays I let my friends name them - my new octopus was christened Julian jr by...who else? =_=

13. I have respect for a select few teachers.

14. All my college lecturers seem to think I'm a juvenile delinquent. eek

15. I have sudden urges to nibble on people. But I try not to. I nibble my index finger instead. That's why the callous I have from bad guitar-playing habits will never heal although I've stopped playing for 7 months.

And there you go. cool

The following people are tagged:

- Den
- Meg
- Anis
- Sherman
- Wtf lazy liao, Sui tagged everyone d. You wanna do go ahead lor.


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