Sunday, August 17, 2008

Looking up

Things are looking up.
My Accounts and Econs have improved, thankfully. (Got 17.5/20 for Econs essay mrgreen)

I'm still a bit miffed with my haircut.
Everytime I see my reflection I feel like a boy.

And it's not even the BOY kind of boy, where girls can develop crushes on (like earlier in the year mad) ...It's like a girl who looks like a boy but can't quite make it. Neither masculine girl nor feminine boy; I'm having a slight gender identity crisis.


Swarna has a really funny stalker!
I noticed him hanging outside our classroom whenever class ends.

Then, on Friday, while Viv, Ying, Jul and I were walking sedately down the staircase from the 4th floor along the flow of human traffic...Swarna's little boy was frantically slicing through the crowd, grabbing on to banisters and panting against the flow of people - presumably rushing upstairs so that he wouldn't miss his beloved Swarna.

It was a comical sight indeed!

She took the steps to ensure that he wouldn't think of her as anything more than a platonic friend. She even tied the rakhi string for him - a traditional Indian ritual to symbolize a brother-sister relationship. What a method...not unlike the way I call Lim 'gor,' no matter how nauseous I feel whenever I do so.

Great minds think alike!

And I've gotten used to the 'mei' already. Which isn't surprising since it's no secret that I've been wishing for an older brother as well as an older sister which I already have.
mrgreen (Completely impossible, but you know! Hehe.)

And if an older brother wouldn't do, I'd like a younger one too.

"But why?"
"She's WAY out of your league. Do you even KNOW how old she is?"
" 17. She's SEVENTEEN!"
"So? Hehehe!"

Nick made an exasperated sound while Joshie burst into infectious giggles.
OMG I wanna adopt him! (Joshie only!) HAHA. So cute can die. x_x

*so easily charmed*

I'm going down to Penang at the end of November.
mrgreen Totally gonna hunt him down and hug him to bits!

I've become such a nerd that when someone mentioned prom that day, I thought of Programmable Read-Only Memory.
eek *dies of geekiness*

cry Sucks being an IT student.


(...Windows, icon, menu, pointer.)

Lol. Anyway prom is on the 19th of November, one day after our Accounts finals. -_-
It's on a Wednesday. 120 bucks per person! I think nearly my whole class is going.

You know you wanna come! razz
(But too bad you can't.)

When I want my hair short, it grows so damn fast; when I finally decide to grow it seems like it's barely making any progress at all. Frustrating! It's just slightly past chin length now. I have a LONG time to wait until it hits my shoulder (target length.)


I've finally decided to give my fingernails a break from being painted on a seemingly neverending basis - they're quite badly stained yellowy-orange and it pains me to keep them uncovered. But oh well, they'll never recover otherwise.

I think I'll just pretend they're henna stains from an Indian wedding.

I'm STILL being zhar-ed for apparently being hopelessly, irrevocably in love.
*blank face*
But it's so funny seeing people get such a big kick out of it that I don't deny it.
cool It's like, YES! I found her weakness! Woots!

But I'm afraid that by not denying it, it will eventually come true.
eek What a scary thought.

Ben from 21 is cute! Not really good-looking per se, but oh man.

Puppy-dog faceeeeee. >_< *sniffs*

I realise that it's 4 am and blogging at this hour may result in extreme embarassment later in the afternoon but it's just so fun talking nonsense to myself! =_=

Ok. Better stop here before I say things that I can't take back later.

Good night and happy holidays!
(As for those who don't have holidays - MWAHAHAHAHA...don't worry I love you? lol)

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