Monday, March 03, 2008

=| Qiao Ke Li

I'm feeling marginally better now.

Hearing about other people's problems puts mine into perspective. After all, mine are caused by my own indecisiveness, whereas others have problems that are caused by things they can't help.

So I'll just continue waiting until I can find something, someone, some place to love.

Melbourne, maybe?

Can't wait to get out of Malaysia, what with the shit their shoving in our faces for this coming election. I'm filled with utter disgust every time I see the fugly plastic banners/flyers wrapped around telephones poles, pasted over busstops, draped over roadsigns.

Especially the -cough- navy blue ones.


D'you REALLY think that fuglifying my neighbourhood, wasting tons of plastic that you're NEVER going to use again and destroying the environment is gonna make me VOTE for you?


Not that I can vote yet hor.

By the time I can vote, I'm outta this place liao lor~

Btw, I heard that SPM results are not coming out before elections after all.
Cannot bribe parents of 17/18-year-olds to vote for you already. =]

13th of March. Can't wait.
Call me if you wanna know, I'm not gonna call you unless I say so. =/
And if you hear me fuming on the other end, kindly hang up for your own safety (and if you love your hearing). ^^

Today, I woke up and spent almost 2 hours on the powerpoint for my group's presentation tomorrow. -.-''

It wasn't typing out the information that took most of the time - I type 72 wpm okay? xD
Not close to secretary-speed, but okay la.

Our presentation involves stating the characteristics, advantages/disadvantages of a sole trader/partnership business that our group started.

"So, what are we gonna sell?"
"Chocolatesssssssssssss!!! Chocolates chocolates chocolates pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"
"Er, why not...?"

Ah. Haha.
So I spent a long time searching for pictures for the one which I truly love:




-dies in chocolatey heaven-

So, the plan is to use these pictures as the backgrounds for the slides.
For aesthetic purposes only. =x No way is it for distracting Mr. Madhavan from any shortcomings of the presentation or to keep my classmates' attentions. No. No.

It's to make it look pretty only. =D

Sherm says the last pic looks like corks.
Of the booze that I drink.
Waaaaaa T________________T

Tell me it looks like delicious truffles and that he needs his eyes checked.
Sniff. I am NOT alcoholic. Take those pictures off facebook, Dennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
See what they've done to my reputation! -buries self under blanket-


So, anyway, there are 21 + 2 slides, which means 21 pictures of truffles and 3 pictures of random chocolateyness.

You KNOW you wanna see my presentation tomorrow. =D

Stephie is gonna wear skirt + heels by popular demand hor.
Pfft, if Sam says I look like a boy again I'ma take my heels off and poke his eyes out.
After I strangle him with my necklace.
After I scratch lines of blood across his neck.
After I...

Eh shit.
Tomorrow got IT presentation also leh.
Second last period.
Cannot kill him lor. T___T He's presenting for my group.
Unless I use him as a puppet and talk on his behalf.
I'm all dressed already some more.


And I asked Viv to go takei tomorrow also.
In my skirt and heels.

Forget it.

I wouldn't go even if someone paid me.

Actually I would. ^^''

Pray I don't trip tomorrow.
My centre of gravity is gonna be an inch higher (and everyone is going to be an inch shorter) tomorrow. =3


Steph -heart- Chocolates.

Song of the Day:

"Only Hope - Mandy Moore"

When I was younger I used to state that chocolates were the only way to my heart.
Ahahaha, right. I'm not that cheap anymore. >"<


YL said...




Denise said...