Friday, April 28, 2006

*whistles Happy Birthday song*

Or at least, I'm trying to.

...forget it. I sound like I need to pee.



Well, in advance. I'm going away to Port Dickson until Monday, so early birthday wishes! =P You may be older than me, but I'm still taller! Nyehnyeh =P

JLWY gets a haircut.
JLWY attends her first concert.
JLWY has a party.


JLWY turns freakin' FIFTEEN!

Whee! I feel so young. =P Hey, I photoshopped that especial! You'd better like it!


I don't believe writing someone's name in red is dangerous. Because superstition is silly. So, before I go, Stephanie wishes you a very Happy Birthday, again!

Song of the Day:

"Happy Birthday - God-Knows-Who"

I'm still trying to whistle. Gr.

1 comment:

YL said...

happy birthday!!

*whistles happy birthday song*