Monday, March 05, 2007

It works!

Oh, yes, concerts do.
To sell CDs, that is.

I was so hyped up after the Muse concert that now I'm spending half my life downloading their songs before Absolution (Origin of Symmetry and Showbiz.)


I'm dying -see my shaking hands!- to get my hands on those albums.
All four! (excluding Hullabaloo)

And I will, someway or another.

o_o...I can see all my ang pow money sprouting feathered wings and taking off into the sunset.

200 ringgit!

But the sunset will be a sweet and beautiful one, at least.


Not that I've ever seen Showbiz or Origin of Symmetry in any store before...
But I will find them!

And when I FIND them,
I will BUY them!

Aiming for: Absolution

Then I'll pick up Origin of Symmetry and Black Holes.

Black Holes later cause it's still getting airplay and I don't crave it as much as I do Absolution.


So much for not being influenced with marketing.

But at least I won't be this way if Linkin Park comes...

I have all their albums already!


Song of the Day:

"Citizen Erased - Muse"

Ooh, I'm gonna find more of my friends' files and I'm gonna PIMP them!
Spread the LP love, baby!

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