Friday, January 04, 2008


So I missed the second day of college.
This does not look like a good year at all.

Don't know my lecturers, what books to buy, who made class rep, where my classes are...


My dog died this morning, so don't ask.

I don't understand.
Why do people I care about keep dying?

...And if you even thought about pointing out that Lucky 'isn't exactly a person', go screw yourself, asshole.

And that explains my absence today.
To say I was distraught would be an understatement.
Rather than go and mingle (harhar.) with utter strangers that I feel out of place with, I chose to stay home and distract myself with (what else?) DotA.

I will hate cats forever.

Song of the Day:

"Chiquitita - Abba"


1 comment:

YL said...

omg. i'm so sorry to hear about Lucky.

She was a great dog.

cheer up k.